I’m Mikk. I’m a combination of a designer and photographer who also loves to doodle, draw, and illustrate. Daily I work on building and designing digital products for startups and whenever I have some time I go out to shoot urban and street photography(@drawntostreets).
With this newsletter, you’ll get a dose of the latest and greatest photos of mine, possibly a look into art and doodles that I’m working on, links to things I’ve found interesting and worth sharing, and I will start writing down more of my thoughts🤞.
I’ll keep it short and rather occasional, mostly about (street) photography, with hints of everything else.
Here’s a pie chart to explain everything:
Learn more about me and my work:
mikkolli.com - Personal site and photo portfolio
@drawntostreets - My street photography work on Instagram
@mikkolli - Personal Instagram feed with photos and illustrations
Linkedin - Professional design work
So don’t miss out: